Wednesday 22 January 2014

Swede Analysis

This swede is really good because it has all the main bits of the Dark Knight in the whole swede. The shots they have included in the swede have been recorded as accurately as possible. For example the part were the joker says "i will make this pencil disappear." The reason this shot is good is because the costume on the Joker looks similar to the one he is wearing in the actual film. Another thing that makes this swede good is the music they use. The music they have used has all been recorded by themselves but actually sounds similar to the actual music in The Dark Knight.
The Shawshank Redemption swede was very accurate with the part they decided to film. With this swede they did not choose the whole film to do but instead just the main starting bit and the bit right at the end. This was a good way to go about things as Shawshank is a long film with a complex story line so adding the whole story would lose effect and be hard to record. The best bit about this swede was the bit when the character playing Morgan Freedman is talking to the main character and describes him as having a different walk to everyone in Shawshank. The main character then walks off with a really silly walk. This bit was really funny and made the whole swede funny.
The 300 swede takes very funny versions of all the shots in 300. They have done it in a good way that you still know its the film but it makes it funny at the same time. The best bit was the iconic "this is sparta" because they have filmed it so that the shot is completely over exaggerated. This added with all the other shots make the swede overall very good and well presented.

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Which of these films would you be tempted to see?

Devil's Due, Gravity, Last Vegas, The wolf of Wall Street.

Are these just Hollywood movies or are you tastes broader than that?

On the whole the films on at the cinema are Hollywood films. Having said this I would still watch a film that isn't from Hollywood.

How many are Hollywood movies?

Every film on at the moment (Odeon Chelmsford) is a Hollywood film.

How many British?

The majority of the films on at the cinema at the moment are not British. This is due to the fact that the only films on at the moment are from Hollywood.

How many foreign language?

There are no foreign language films on at the moment. This is probably because the audience that usually goes to the cinema would not be interested in a foreign language.

How many 3D?

There are two films showing in 3D at the moment.