Tuesday 21 January 2014


Which of these films would you be tempted to see?

Devil's Due, Gravity, Last Vegas, The wolf of Wall Street.

Are these just Hollywood movies or are you tastes broader than that?

On the whole the films on at the cinema are Hollywood films. Having said this I would still watch a film that isn't from Hollywood.

How many are Hollywood movies?

Every film on at the moment (Odeon Chelmsford) is a Hollywood film.

How many British?

The majority of the films on at the cinema at the moment are not British. This is due to the fact that the only films on at the moment are from Hollywood.

How many foreign language?

There are no foreign language films on at the moment. This is probably because the audience that usually goes to the cinema would not be interested in a foreign language.

How many 3D?

There are two films showing in 3D at the moment.

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